So many times, almost every day, we come across things which scream at in a loud and bold way, "Now! Now is the time, and this is the thing. This is everything! Now, act now, or else you will miss and never see it again!" Yet for those who would have learned to listen to wisdom, we can stand fast, close our eyes - which are so easily impressed and deceived - and listen to the voice which says, "This too shall pass. It has been before and will be again. Over and over. Place your feet upon firmer ground, with the eye of wisdom see past what swirls around you, and act upon the truths of the ages."
Gaining and retaining a good perspective is a skill that must be learned and practised, forever. I believe it is one of the most important things in all areas of life and faith and to that end I always keep an eye open for stories and other things which act as windows giving me an opportunity to look beyond my own life and age and into that which is before and beyond me. They help me to look beyond and stand in calmness when the wind of the moment rages.
Today upon I cam upon this story about Scotland's oldest man and World War 1 veteran. He served in the Black Watch and was one of the few who stood upon that treacherous ground known as 'No Man's Land' , faced his enemy, and in a moment of faith and humanity, shook hands.
That history which is to many of us just pages in a book was to him real life, his memories more vivid than any photo-journal. Consider the elders around you. We look at the decades and separate them out. We think of the changes in our world since the 60's, they lived and dwelled before. They are our reach into truth. Into perspective. They are the calm voices that speak to us of something else. As they pass we lose that voice and are forced more and more into the booming announcements of the current age. Let us consider their words and their stories.
Oh Lord may we have ears, and honour your creation of them by using them as best we can.
Prince In Tribute To War Veteran
Oldest War Veteran Reaches 106
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Perspective: Scotland's Oldest and the 1914 Truce
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7:25 pm
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